BP1 Purchase Order

BP1 Purchase Order

Odoo 15 Purchase module assists you in managing every aspect of the purchases conducted by the company. The purchase operations in the company such as sending the request for quotations to the vendors, creating purchase orders, managing purchase agreements, vendor management, product, and its variants management and much more can be managed with Odoo 15 Purchase module. The most important feature of the Odoo Purchase module is that the module is integrated with other operational modules. This will help in combined operational methodology so that all the aspects of the related operations of purchasing are done smoothly. 

With the Odoo 15 Purchase module, you can send requests to multiple vendors and select the best from the quotations received. After agreeing to the quotations you can send Purchase Orders to the vendors, notifying the terms and conditions along with the product description. By confirming the order you can validate the receipts or even return the transfer. Vendor bills can be generated and payment can be done with the Odoo 15 Purchase module. 

In this course, let us look at how to create a new Purchase Order in the Odoo 15 Purchase module. 

Responsible Kathleen Miranda
Last Update 10/02/2023
Completion Time 3 hours 55 minutes
Members 45
    • Step 1. Creating an RFQ
    • Step 2. Approving RFQ
    • Step 3. Assigning Purchasing Agent
    • Step 4. Assigned Purchasing Agent to perform Multiple tasks
    • Step 5. Approving Documents
    • Step 6. Receiving Samples
    • Step 7. Validating Samples
    • Step 8. Sample Lab Tests
    • Step 9. Adding some required documents
    • Step 10. Confirming Purchase Order
    • Step 11. Sending PO, product label link and Shipping quotes
    • Step 12. Approving or Rejecting Shipping quotes
    • Step 13 Notify Receiving
    • Step 14. Receiving Products
    • Step 15. Lab Testing
    • Step 16. Move to Physical Location
    • Step 17. Recording a Paymet
    • How to use the Skip Sample Request Button
    • How to create a back order
    • UOM Explained
    • Recording Damages and Back Order